Another Road to Hell

Islamism and Zionism, and October 7

New Book Title

Cover Coming Soon

My next book, Another Road to Hell, will force readers to conduct a radical rethink of our perceptions of Islamism and Zionism. Each movement was a response to oppression and injustice, and started with the best of intentions to bring dignity, freedom and security to the downtrodden members of one of the world's great religions. Yet both have created oppression and injustice themselves, used violence to reach their goals, and sown a huge amount of hatred in their wake. Now they must share responsibility for October 7 and the ensuing destruction of Gaza. Those are events that threaten the peace of the whole world.

The book starts with the problematic relationship Europe and "the West" have had historically with Jews and Muslims, not just during the Middle Ages but in the era of nationalism from the nineteenth century onwards. Zionism and Islamism are both reactions to this relationship. The book charts their history until the horrific violence of the Gaza war and shows how these two ideologies led inexorably to it. The book focuses on the personalities involved as much as their ideology - from Herzl, Weizmann, Ben Gurion and Jabotinsky to Jamal al-Din Afghani, Rashid Rida, Izz al-Din Qassam and Hajj Amin al Husseini; and from Begin, Shamir, Sharon and Netanyahu to Hassan al Banna, Sayyid Qutb, Usama bin Laden and Shaykh Ahmad Yassin.

Wrestling with the unwelcome facts of history is a precondition for peace and for reaching a settlement reflecting the rights and responsibilities of all sides in accordance with international law. Another Road to Hell makes these essential truths plain.

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